Together we can bring joyful art to our world!

June 2, 2011


MEET JACKIE, one of my loyal print-on-demand customers!

Jackie's wearing her first purchase from my Cafepress store,

a BOWING 24-7 fiddle shirt.

Since retiring, she's learned how to play a multitude of instruments! She even made the resonant drum and mellow sounding wooden flute shown here. My art compliments her interest in music and that keeps us both happy! Shown here, are Jackie's Fiddler of the Forest Black Shirt, Crazy Fingers Piano Tote, Drum Hooded Sweatshirt and Guitar Sweatshirt, all with vibrant batik designs.

Here's the back side of the CRAZY FINGERS Piano Tote. Yes, she plays piano too!

I like adding a different but related design to the backs of the sweatshirts and shirts!

Jackie used horsehair and feathers from her own horses and birds to decorate her drum and flute.

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Jackie's story:



Jackie Hamlin May 2011

Somewhere in 2006, I decided to retire. I had been writing down goals every year for the past 10 years, back to the 1990’s, of what I still wanted to accomplish, once I was retired and had time to devote to my dreams. On the list, year after year, was “learn to play guitar”. I’d always wanted to play guitar. At one time in those 10 years of waiting, I purchased a Roy Clark guitar from a TV ad. There it sat, in its case, waiting for the time when I could begin lessons.

Over the past 4-5 years, beginning with guitar, I naturally had a curiosity about other stringed instruments. So I also began to explore violin, and then acquired a piano, which led to the need for piano lessons. I now have a banjo and had a lovely harp made by Dave Woodworth of Heartland Harps & Music, Zirconia, NC. Pamela Bruner painted artwork of butterflies as I requested. I'm still loving the stringed instruments very much!

I joined a drumming circle after taking a drum making class, and then had an opportunity to make a wooden flute, so I branched off into that direction as well, musically. Jam sessions have been a great way to meet other local musicians. Both drumming circles and jam sessions provide friendship, challenges and offer a place to contribute what I’ve learned. It’s very rewarding!

Over the past years, I was fortunate enough to take a full music appreciation course at Nicolet College in Rhinelander, WI and now assist WXPR, the local public radio station in producing playlists for one of the hosts.

Currently, I’m taking lessons in guitar, alternating with banjo. In addition, summer class sessions in violin and piano are on my calendar. While loving the sweet sound of mountain dulcimers, I could not resist ordering a dulcimer making kit from Cripple Creek Dulcimers, Manitou Springs, Co. This is a great project for my 85 year old dad and me to work on together!

I have a bulletin board in my tiny music room, where I log the time spent daily on practice. Also, there’s an article on my school calendar from the Campanile Conservancy for theArts, that I re-read from time to time. It says, “Practice Does Make Perfect!” Also, my little note that says simply, “What’s Standing in the Way of Your Dreams?” reminds me of what’s important to me at this stage in my life. I’ve never dreamed I would love music so much! It’s gotten me through the bad times as well as the good times. I am so fortunate to have been able to follow my dream! Jackie

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